Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Well seems like I'm heading in a more "cartoon" like direction now in my career which is making me more happy. Though the problem I face now is coming up with funny comics and that's pretty hard...perhaps I'll re-draw some of the ones I've done already. Anyways, I'm working on a small comic for the studio to describe the whole animation process from idea to reel. It's pretty neat, I should be finished sometime this week and I'll post it if I can (gotta talk to da boss on that one).

Anyhoo, I better keep at 'er and make some more cartoons to post...



Gene Fowler said...

it looks great, just a few tweeks mikey!

JimmyD said...

Keep at it brutha! You'll be an art KING someday.

hmm, a regular king or a viKING. You decide.