Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Coffee warms the Soul

I was thinking about this one while lining up for my morning coffee at Timmy's (you know what establishment I'm talking about) and it occurred to me a thought of the bread lines in Moscow. It struck me as funny so I made this little piece about it. I don't know if I captured the line aspect of it but I got the Canadian part right, there's always someone making a crack about how cold it is outside. It's Canada, it's winter, it's supposed to be cold...get over it!



Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kt Shy said...

that's cute! i like your line work muchos! I'm a timothy's girl myself... timmies was sooooo college. :P

Oh, and the deleted comment... that was me.

Dan said...

awesome man, great to see you posting. love your lines and would love to see some color on this.

Conicon said...


I'll keep posting comics, some in color too.
