Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Lovely Beverly

Here she is, my girlfriend Beverly. We've been together almost, not quite, a year now and it's been awesome so far. We live together in a small apartment here in Miramichi, New Brunswick (the middle of nowhere I like to call it). It looks like we might get a house together but we'll have to see how it all pans out.

I made this picture completely in flash, I like it though its a bit too "flash"y for me. I hate Flash for the way it looks, but like it cause it's fast.



nickwatson said...

glad to see you are doing well out there mike


Conicon said...

Thanks nick!

Maki said...

Nice expression with beautiful eyes!!

Andy said...

OH flash-Bev... you are such the fool. Good one Mike. I find lately that there are certain ways to make flash look... less flashy. Though I probobaly can't articulate them as well as I'd like.

Anonymous said...

Aww how cute :)

Good luck on the house :D

Gene Fowler said...


Dave Dick said...

Looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

very nice dude. great eyes.